Call Us (281) 931-5953
Abundance Living Inc. is a non-profit organization that houses only male ex-offenders. Abundance Living Inc. was founded in 2002. We provide a unique form of crime prevention by working with at-risk individuals to integrate them with community volunteers and staff through transitional housing and support services. We also provide outpatient services for both males and females.
Abundance Living Inc. recognizes the importance of supporting the TC Community and their families to improve their lives. We realized they need transitional housing and supportive services. Public safety is our most important concern. Our program benefits the community by improving the quality of our neighborhoods, reducing crime rates, and increasing productivity from clients that complete our program. We believe the cycle of crime can be reduced when men who have been incarcerated have assistance re-adjusting to society.
There is a great need for the community to do all that we can do to provide the assistance needed to the TC Community who will eventually return to our communities. Must we ask ourselves? If you put a person in prison, in a position of no hope, to be governed by a system pretending to give hope, and release them back into a community without hope. How could you have hoped for anything different when they commit another criminal act?
Abundance Living Inc. is a 24-hour staffed facility located in the Acres Homes neighborhood of Houston, Texas where the Therapeutic Community(TC) works together to create an environment of change. It is important to understand that we are not a halfway house. We offer programs and a structured community suitable for men who are on parole or probation. The TC Community Clients with criminal/addiction histories agree to follow the rules, house agreements, and expectations set by Abundance Living Inc.
CONTACT Abundace Living Inc.
When arriving please check-in at Apartment 1.
Main Office: (281) 931-5953
Main Office Fax: (832) 217-3195
Ms.Green- Program Director: 832-883-5054
Ms.McMillion - Outpatient: Counselor: (346) 946-1589
Ms.Jackson - Residential Counselor: (346) 946-1590
Ms.Newell - Residential Counselor: (346) 946-1593
8512 Wheatley St.
Houston, Texas 77088